A repülőgép által igényelt megoldások gyors, rendkívül precíz minőségellenőrzést igényelnek a pontos összeszerelés érdekében. Nézze meg, hogyan valósítja meg a Mitutoyo.
Az autóipar folytatja az innovációt, és a Mitutoyo megoldások fejlett ellenőrzési és szkennelési képességekkel segíti a gyártókat a folyamatos termelés elérésében.
A Mitutoyo mérési és elemzési megoldásait úgy tervezték, hogy segítsék az energiaszolgáltatókat a megbízhatóság javításában és a berendezések üzemidejének növelésében.
A betegek jólétének védelme érdekében az orvosi alkalmazások kivételes pontosságot igényelnek. Tekintse meg, hogy a Mitutoyo széles körben tesztelt megoldásai hogyan segíthetik ezt elérni.
Biztosítsa a magas ismételhetőséget és a szigorú minőségellenőrzést a Mitutoyo alakmérési megoldásaival, koordináta mérőgépeivel és precíziós mérőeszközeivel.
A Mitutoyo érintésmentes és optikai mérési megoldásai mikroszkopikus pontosságot biztosítanak a kisebb és sűrűbb elektronikus alkatrészek számára
A Mitutoyo OEM úgy tudja kezelni a hiányzó szakértelmet vagy erőforrásokat, hogy olyan híres metrológiai berendezéseinket szállítja Önnek, amelyek zökkenőmentesen integrálhatók termékeibe.
Mitutoyo képességeinek bemutatásához nincs is jobb hely, mint lenyűgöző esettanulmány-gyűjteményünk.
Kalibrálja mérőeszközeit egy megbízható laboratóriumban
Kedvenc mérő- és vizsgálógépeinek helyszíni szervize
Mérje meg munkadarabjait és alkatrészeit bárhol Európában
Alkatrészek és javítások Mitutoyo készülékekhez
Online vagy offline, vegyen részt termékbemutatón még ma
Az Európában működő japán cégek első állomása.
MCOSMOS 3D koordinátamérőgépek szoftvercsomagja
QV3DCAD a digitális képfeldolgozó rendszerek szoftvercsomagja
FORMTRACEPAK a kontúr- és érdességmérők szoftvercsomagja
MeasurLink teljeskörű SPC szoftvercsomag
GD&T az alapoktól a professzionális szintig
Kézimérőeszköz kezelői oktatások és oktatóanyagok
Varázsolja gyárát intelligens gyárrá a Mitutoyo segítségével
A mérőeszközök integrálása a meglévő folyamatokba egyszerűvé vált
Egyedi termékek egyedi alkalmazásokhoz
A világ legnagyobb metrológiai vállalata
Vezetőség küldetése
Tekintse meg és töltse le katalógusunkat, termékprospektusainkat és egyebeket.
Válassza a kényelmes megoldást, és spóroljon a legújabb frissítésekkel!
Itt letöltheti az EU és az Egyesült Királyság teljes verzióját.
Töltse le ingyen a hivatalos Mitutoyo háttérképeket.
Erőforrások a Mitutoyo munkatársai és külső beszállítók számára.
Tekintse meg széles termékkínálatunkat online katalógusunkban!
View our extensive product range in our online catalog!
The frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on Mitutoyo's website serves as a comprehensive resource to address common queries and concerns about their products and services. This dedicated page is designed to provide users with quick and easily accessible answers to a wide range of topics related to Mitutoyo's precision measurement instruments and solutions.
For answers to the questions you have, please search through the various topics below.
By clicking the “Register” button, located in the header navigation row, the “Account Registration” will open. Put in all required data and click on the “Register” button located in the left bottom corner.
If the registration was successful you will receive an email notification with your customer number and login data.
Please note: With the exception of customers from the UK, only dealer partners of the European Mitutoyo subsidiaries can register for the Dealer Portal.
As a registered Dealer Partner you’ll have full access to the Mitutoyo B2B Webshop. After logging in you can buy our products, manage user profiles of your company, etc. o log in click on the “Log in” button, located in the header navigation row. If you are not registered yet please click on the “Register” button and follow the instructions for registration as a Dealer Partner. Enter your “User name / Customer number” and “Password”. Then click on the “Log in” button. If you have lost your password please click on the “Forgot your password?” button. You will receive an email with your new login data.
Full access
If you have successfully logged in you will see three new fields on the header navigation bar:
• Name of the Company
• Order History
• User Account Management
When you click on the button “User Account Management” a window will open where you can check your account data and, if necessary, change your password.
You can also create and manage other user profiles for your company and allocate different roles to them. In the “User Account Management” section you can also manage the delivery addresses of your company.
Click on the cross symbol. Enter the required data and set a password for the person you like to constitute as a sub-user. Then allocate a role to the person.
Purchaser: The sub-user can view and buy products.
Viewer: The sub-user can view products.
Manage the delivery addresses of your company. You can activate and deactivate all addresses. Only activated addresses can be chosen during the checkout process.
Upper Toolbar
Click on the tab “Products” in the upper toolbar and choose a product category. Then navigate to the sub-categories
Search field
Enter a keyword or product code to find your product (eg. Digimatic Caliber or IP67).
Product Navigation tree
Search product categories with a dropdown menu. Click on the
arrow button to enlarge the menu and choose your sub-category.
Product categories
Click on the category field and choose your sub-category.
After choosing a product you can put it on the comparison list. Click on the “Add to comparison” button, located at the upper right corner of the product details, to add the product to the comparison list. Add other products to the list for comparison.
Click on the “Comparison list” button. This button is located right beside the product search field. This field also shows the number of products on the comparison list.
After opening the comparison list you will see all the specific data of the chosen products. You can add or delete products from the list as you like. Just click on the waste basket icon above the product to delete it from the list. To clear the comparison list completely click on the waste basket icon located under the title (Comparison list).
For each product additional information like Variants, Additional Products, Leaflets, Videos, and Software is available. If such information is available for your chosen product you will find it at the bottom of the “Product details” page.
Example 1: To enlarge the list of additional products click on the cross icon. You can add the listed products to your comparison list or your basket.
Example 2: To view product videos click on the “Video” button. A list of product videos will appear
To purchase a product click on the shopping basket icon. The product will appear in the shopping basket. The basket icon shows the number of items in the basket as well as the total cost.
Change quantity and additional services Click on the basket icon to open your shopping basket. On the basket page, you can add the products to the comparison list, change the quantity and add additional services to your product (like calibration). Below the product details, you will find a colored hook, which shows the estimated delivery date. Note: Customers in Italy can set a fixed delivery date for their orders.
Saving your basket You can save your basket. This is especially comfortable if you wish to re-order the chosen products, for example. Click on the disc icon, enter a name for the basket, and click on OK.
If all desired products are in the basket click on “Proceed to Checkout”. Please review the following:
• Check your order and details.
• Add, delete, or change the number of products. Click on “Edit order”
• Define an internal order reference. This reference is for your own use.
• Accept our terms and conditions.
• Then you have the option to receive the order as a single delivery (activate the button “Ship as a single delivery”), add a comment to your order, or add a different delivery address.
Click on the “BUY NOW” button to purchase the products.
Order confirmation: After clicking the “BUY NOW” button an order confirmation will be sent to your email address. You can now continue shopping, maintain your account or log out
The “Order History” provides you with a detailed overview of all your former orders. The “Order History” is located in the header navigation row.
Date: shows the day the order was taken.
Order number: shows you the order number issued by Mitutoyo (not your internal reference number)
Order state: indicates whether your order is fulfilled or in wait for delivery.
If you like to use Excel- / CSV files for ordering large quantities of products from Mitutoyo you can directly upload these files into the basket.
• Click on the “Page” icon right beside the “Basket” button.
• Choose the file you like to upload.
• Reset the shopping basket prior to importing if you like to make a new order.
• If the first line of your sheet just contains labels click on the “ignore” field.
• Set the column with the article numbers.
• Set the column with the quantity.
• Separate characters (relevant for CSV files).
• Click on “Start import”. Your order will now appear in the shopping basket.
If you have any kind of technical questions, please contact your local Mitutoyo organization.
If you have any about our dealers, please contact your local Mitutoyo organization.
For any questions about maintenance in the field please refer to our field service page.
If you need information about repairs or spare parts, please check out our page dedicated to them.
Please refer to our training page to obtain more information about this topic.
For more information about ISO certificates at Mitutoyo, please go to the dedicated page:
For questions about existing quotes, your order status, or more please refer to your local organization for further details.